The House of Bernarda Alba (1987)
Title: The House of Bernarda Alba
Release Date: 1987-04-03
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 99 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The House of Bernarda Alba full movie for free. Released in 1987, The House of Bernarda Alba movie was made with a budget of $2,700,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
After the death of her husband Bernarda Alba puts her daughters under a rigurous mourning which does not even allow them to leave the house.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The House of Bernarda Alba a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Irene Gutiérrez Caba, Ana Belén, Florinda Chico, Enriqueta Carballeira, Vicky Peña, Aurora Pastor, Mercedes Lezcano, Pilar Puchol, Rosario García Ortega, Ana María Ventura, Paula Soldevila, Álvaro Quiroga, Fernanda de Utrera, Mary Paz Mata
Federico García Lorca, Mario Camus, José Miguel Juárez, Ramón Moya, José Moreno, Manuela Iglesias, Rafael Palmero, Juan Jesús Escudero, Luis Castro, Antonio Illán, Peris Hermanos, Ricardo García Arrojo, Pedro Balandín, Mario Camus, Antonio Oliver, Agustín Alcázar, Antonio Mateos, Federico García Lorca, Jaime Borrell, Mischa Muller, José Salvador, Verónica Toledo, Juan Maján, José Luis Pérez, Ángel Álvarez, Álvaro Gutiérrez, Esther Martín, Rafael García Martos, Walter Prieto, Susana Prieto, Reyes Abades, Antonio Larreta, Fernando Perrote, Pedro Gracia, Jorge Hernández Lobo, Pepe Rubio, José María Biurrún, Marisa Ibarra, Manuel Velasco, Daniel Gil, Ángel Uriarte, Juan Pedro Hernández, Manuela Camus, Julia Salvador, Fernando Arribas, Bernardo Menz, Ángel Granell, Juan de la Flor, Julio Recuero, Rafael Castro, José A. de Andrés G. de Barreda, Jaime Cortezo, Julián Martín, Jesús Mateos, Ángel Gomez, Valentín Sanchez, Pascual Ibáñez, Eduardo Fernández, Eugenio Martínez, Emilio Ardura, Francisco Durán, Jesús Gil
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