¡No hija, no! (1987)
Title: ¡No hija, no!
Release Date: 1987-01-01
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 84 minutes
Status: Released
Watch ¡No hija, no! full movie for free. Released in 1987, ¡No hija, no! movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
The movie is about a candidate for mayor of Madrid who is immersed in a huge mess during the pre-election night, when a body needs to be disappeared.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made ¡No hija, no! a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Antonio Ozores, Ricardo Merino, Emma Ozores, Florinda Chico, Gracita Morales, Emilio Laguna, Silvia Leblanc, Pedro Rivera, Trini Alonso, Licia Calderón, Ramón Lillo, Julio Corrochano, Antonio Manso, Isabel Prinz, Analía Ivars, Beatriz Morata, Matilde Sola, Carmen Grey, Juanito Navarro, Cris Huerta
Mariano Ozores, Mariano Ozores, Mariano Ozores, José Antonio Cascales, Alfonso Cardenal, Isabel Ruiz Capillas, Carlos Cascales, Manuel Mateos, José Antonio Rojo, Josefa Pérez, José Luis Pérez Tristán, Pablo Fernández, Germán Quejido Perrucha, Gregorio García Segura, Manuel Mateos, Vicente Lozano, Manuel Martín, Manuel Sánchez, Luis Miguel Esparza, Germán Quejido Perrucha
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