DJS The Movie: Biarkan Aku Menari (2022)

DJS The Movie: Biarkan Aku Menari

Title: DJS The Movie: Biarkan Aku Menari

Release Date: 2022-04-21

Genres: Drama, Romance, Music, Fantasy

Runtime: 0 minutes

Status: Released


At the end of the light, find your way home before you disappear

Watch DJS The Movie: Biarkan Aku Menari full movie for free. Released in 2022, DJS The Movie: Biarkan Aku Menari movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

All his life Wulan, he only wanted to be a dancer. When his father, Lukman and his brother, Satria were still alive, they were the ones who always supported Wulan's ideals. But now they are dead, and Wulan lives only with her mother, Linda. Linda wants Wulan to succeed in her life, but she is worried about Wulan who likes to dance. For him dance is something serious. One day they are without an object, making Wulan go to the hills with Joko, her boyfriend who has been secretly hidden for so long. On their way home, they had a miraculous accident, leaving Wulan stranded in another world.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made DJS The Movie: Biarkan Aku Menari a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Sandrinna Michelle, Rey Bong, Rayensyah Rassya Hidayah, Aqeela Calista, Flavio Zaviera, Safira Ratu Sofya, Saskia Chadwick, Laura Moane, Ratu Dewi Imasy, Umar Lubis, Renald Ramadhan, Ria Probo, Jefan Nathanio, Kiesha Alvaro, Emiliano Fernando Cortizo, Dania Michelle, Aline Fauziah, Emyr Razan, Ery Makmur, Dianda Sabrina, Rangga Azof, Haico Van Der Veken, Rionaldo Stockhorst, Ben Kasyafani, Emmie Lemu, Dita Karang, Asri Welas, Dita Kerang, Chelsea Mandas, Margaret Lyvia, Rachel Ramadhani, Sara Chrisenka


Ipung Rachmat Syaiful, Indrayanto Kurniawan, Lintang Pramudya Wardani, Hadrianus Eko, Dian Lasvita, I Kadek Jaya Wiguna, Dwi Budi Priyanto, RM Bhre, Omeh Nia Bangkok, Monika Rudijono, Dany Sapawie, Tina Arwin, Lili Wong, Alfi Syahri, Wiwiex Sudarno, Elminah Tan, Evi Cecilia, David S. Suwarto, Mira W, Andre AW3, Yaya Said, Ryan Pitna, Abdul Hamid, Romanina Putri, Yusriyanto Arif, Sandree Ha, Imam Syafi'i, Ayu Gurnitha, Michael Tenda, Ambu Diana, Regina Anindita, Nanda Bilkis, Wahyudin, Theresia Vela, Adie Kartiwa, Jeffry Johar, Puguh, Abdul Ghofur, Yuniar Eka Rahayu, Dafa Damara, Panjie Gendhis, Decky, Franna Bandung, Zaenuri, Wahyu P., Azzizah Imam, Amanda Castianita, Misbahul Fajri, Fabrian Hendro, Ajang M.P., Angela Andreyanti Rikarastu, Indra Jaya Mulia, Alan Subatra, Sophy Nusa Hatmanto, Arif Winanto, Mochammad Fathan F., Al Pasya Octoza M., Abdillah Tachmar Salmun, Decky Nelwan, Ferdinal, Eki Surya, Agung Susanto, Hidayat Syarif, Ipunk Sukandi, Agus Muhardi, Gatot Subowo, Agus Suyono, Soni Putra, Fajar Sukma Hadyan, Bogie Maulana, Muhamad Nana Nahroji, Yuni Yuko, Indy Virdiany, Zaldi Rohim, Arie Trisdianto, Laksmi Setijono, Elgi Simanjuntak, Iwan Wow, Junaedi, Rosyi Tauhid Ace, Agus Prass, Bakti Setiawan, Ikmal Husin, Gitara Maulana, Bambang Herdiana, Dwidwok, Rizky Ixi, Aslam, Princess Slyny Audrey, Michael Hendryanto, Lider Spencer, Meutia Setijono Pudjowarsito, Ponadi Noe, Abdul Sahid, Arwin Haga Triyadi, Bahrudin, Ipeng, Samsurrohim, Patar FCPN, Indra Sudoyo, Donny Ariesta, Harir Bako, Irwan Wahyudi, Roy Anthony Sihite, Doni Rusmana, Hendi Rohaendi, Aminudin, Livan, Dedi Kustriono, Harry Ardi Syahputra, Iqbal Aditya Putra, Hadrianus Eko, Rezki Rahmahadi, Rezki Rahmahadi, Iqbal Aditya Putra, Harris Reggy, Jumanto

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