Anton the Magician (1978)
Title: Anton the Magician
Release Date: 1978-09-19
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 106 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Anton the Magician full movie for free. Released in 1978, Anton the Magician movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A flamboyant comedy about love, work and money—revealing that the "planned" economy produced some unconventional entrepreneurial methods.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Anton the Magician a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Ulrich Thein, Anna Dymna, Erwin Geschonneck, Barbara Dittus, Marina Krogull, Erik S. Klein, Marianne Wünscher, Jessy Rameik, Ralph Borgwardt, Gerry Wolff, Werner Godemann, Grigore Grigoriu, Dezső Garas, Leon Niemczyk, Alfred Struwe, Gertrud Brendler, Angela Brunner, Günter Drescher, Gerd Ehlers, Karl Georg Egel, Pedro Hebenstreit, Peter Kalisch, Saaun Khemmara, Hans Klering, Harry Merkel, Willi Neuenhahn, Günter Reisch, Gottfried Richter, Helmut Schreiber
Günter Reisch, Karl Georg Egel, Bärbel Weigel, Wolfram Heicking, Günter Reisch, Günter Haubold
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