Records (2021)
Title: Records
Release Date: 2021-10-01
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 87 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Records full movie for free. Released in 2021, Records movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Twenty-one years after Alan Zweig’s groundbreaking first feature documentary Vinyl, Zweig returns to the topic of compulsive record collecting with newfound introspection and a sunnier disposition. Punctuated by his signature mirror-confessionals, Records compiles colourful interviews with vinyl enthusiasts, swirling around the proverbial maxim that music has the power to connect us all.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Records a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Adrian Warner, Andrew Johnson, Avery Strok, Ben Shulman, Bennett Phillips, Allan Wong, Bob Bryden, Carl Rose Green, Christopher Norman, Cindy Wolfe, Connor Babbin, Dan Lovranski, Dana De Kuyper, Dane Goulet, Daniel Fiocoo, David Lennick, Debra Lary, Del Shannon Siblock, Denis Lalonde, Diana Chan McNally, Don Bolles, Don Pyle, Gary Pigg, Gary Verrinder, Gaven Dianda, Georgia Porteous, Ramona Porteous, Glenn Salter, Henry Marks, Jason Isaac, JC Culp, Jello Biafra, Jesse Hawken, Jessica Holland, Jim Bravo, Justin Small, Katie Iarocci, Kevin Hegge, Kevin James Howse, Lisa Pereira, Logan Melissa, Margaret English, Noah Aviles-Betel, Rana Chatterjee, Rea McNamara, Reginald Harkema, Richard Campbell, Richard Czeredarek, Rob Porteous, Sam Pennachio, Sébastien Desrosiers, Steve Albini, Tim Holland, Tony Halmo, Peter Jannigan, Keely Zweig, Barbara Garcia-Bernardo, Brendan Canning, Charles Mogat, Chris Cummings, Chuck Republick, Dave Clarke, David Cooper, Ed Blaha, Ernest Agbuya, Gabor Maté, Gilbert Gottfried, Howard Druckman, Jason Grimmer, Jason Palma, Jeff Glickman, Jodie Dewald, Kim Gertler, King Khan, Mario Rubcalcaba, Mark Arm, Matias Rosenberg, Nathalie Thibault, Nathan Lemay, Noel Morton, Paul Salvatori, Peter Alberts, Phil Dellio, Rachael Henderson, Ray Robertson, Robert Dayton, Robyn Raymond, Roger Steffens, Ron Duffy, Scott Woods, Steve Turner, Tim Bovaconti, Tim Powis, Vicky Cornet
Michael Perlmutter, Ian McGettigan, Grant Edmonds, Jordan Schinkel, Marcus Gwyn-Neumann, Chad Brown, David St. Louis, Edwin Janzen, Nick Taylor, Christian Hamilton, Maryann Icaro, Josh Kimelman-Marr, Maeve Kern, Mikaila Simmons, Patience Bradford, Felicity Justrabo, Michael Zweig, Jane Jankovic, Kevin McMahon, John Price, Alan Zweig, Michael McMahon, Alan Zweig, Robert Swartz
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