Emergency Situation (2022)
Title: Emergency Situation
Release Date: 2022-02-03
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 102 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Emergency Situation full movie for free. Released in 2022, Emergency Situation movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
When a train unexpectedly changes directions, a group of eccentric passengers must work together to reach their destination safely.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Emergency Situation a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Igor Chmela, Jana Plodková, Ctirad Götz, Jenovéfa Boková, Tereza Marečková, Beáta Mikušová, Oliver Vyskočil, Jaroslav Plesl, Alois Švehlík, Václav Kopta, Marie Ludvíková, Fedir Kis, Daniel Horečný, Milan Koritják, Robert Mikluš, Magdaléna Sidonová, Agáta Červinková, David Dvořák, Václav Vašák, Rostislav Novák, Linda Bartošová, Marcela Augustová, Dominik Teleky, Dalibor Buš, Ondřej Cihlář, Petr Prokop, David Kašpar, Jan Slovák, Pavel Nový, Miroslava Pleštilová, Patrik Vojtíšek, Petr Vršek, Kamila Trnková, Zdeněk Pecha, Miroslav Kumhala, Miloslav Maršálek, Jan Polyák, Jaroslav Veis, Jaroslava Krajčová, Pavel Herzog, Evžen Zdráhal, Mikoláš Nop, Martin Líska, Johana Kotlíková, Vojtěch Kotlík, Eliška Jeníčková, Stella Mia Hanzlíková, Rosa Štulič, Daniela Voráčková, Jiří Altmann
Jiří Havelka, Jakub Čech, Jiří Havelka, Darina Štěpánková, Martin Štěpánek, Roman Kašparovský
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