Bulldog Drummond (1929)
Title: Bulldog Drummond
Release Date: 1929-05-02
Genres: Action, Thriller, Drama
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Bulldog Drummond full movie for free. Released in 1929, Bulldog Drummond movie was made with a budget of $550,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Bulldog Drummond is a British WWI veteran who longs for some excitement after he returns to the humdrum existence of civilian life. He gets what he's looking for when a girl requests his help in freeing her uncle from a nursing home. She believes the home is just a front and that her uncle is really being held captive while the culprits try to extort his fortune from him.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Bulldog Drummond a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Ronald Colman, Claud Allister, Lawrence Grant, Montagu Love, Wilson Benge, Joan Bennett, Lilyan Tashman, Charles Sellon, Adolph Milar, Tetsu Komai, Gertrude Short, Donald Novis, Tom Ricketts
F. Richard Jones, Leslie Pearce, Viola Lawrence, Samuel Goldwyn, Frank Lawrence, Gregg Toland, Sidney Howard, George Barnes, Herman C. McNeile, Herman C. McNeile, Wallace Smith, H.F. Arnold, Paul Jones, Lynn Farnol, Warren Nolan, William Cameron Menzies, Hugo Riesenfeld
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