Gangster Story (1959)
Title: Gangster Story
Release Date: 1959-12-01
Genres: Crime, Drama
Runtime: 65 minutes
Status: Released
Filmed where it actually happened... The true story of Jack Martin
Watch Gangster Story full movie for free. Released in 1959, Gangster Story movie was made with a budget of $75,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Gangster and cop killer Jack Martin is on the run from the law, and hides out in a small town. Low on funds, he engineers a clever bank robbery that yields him a big bundle. Now he has not only the cops and the FBI after him, but also the local crime boss, who's outraged that an outsider can pull off a heist like that in his territory and not cut him in on it.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Gangster Story a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Walter Matthau, Carol Grace, Bruce MacFarlane, Garry Walberg, Raikin Ben-Ari, David Leonard, John Albright, Clegg Hoyt, Leonard Bremen, Vic Tayback
Walter Matthau, Paul Purcell, Richard Grey, Alec Compinsky, Wayne Mitchell, Charles H. Maguire, Maurice Rosenblum, Sven Walnum, Douglas Menville, V.J. Rheims, Jonathan Daniels, Radley Metzger, Max Glenn
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