Regalo Caro 4 (2007)
Title: Regalo Caro 4
Release Date: 2007-12-31
Genres: Action
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Regalo Caro 4 full movie for free. Released in 2007, Regalo Caro 4 movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Mariano has become a new ally for El Chaca who, along with Barbarino, will fight against the cartel of Felipe and at the same time liberate a war against the givernment led by Leopoldo. The boss has fallen and everyone wants his spot.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Regalo Caro 4 a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Fernando Sáenz, Bernabé Melendrez, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Patricia Rivera, Emilio Franco, Óscar López, Isabel Quibrera, Mario Valencia, Fabián López, Ángel Soto, Carlos Arce, Claudia Casas, Martina López Vidal, José E. Quintero, Jose Luis Rodriguez, Felipe Castillo, Fernando Bernal, Felix Rosales, Max Hernández, Jorge Prieto, Gabriel Molina, Carlos Molina, Polo Rodriguez, José Miguel Orozco
Antonio Herrera, Luis Álvarez, Benjamín Benítez, Miguel Ángel Saldaña, Humberto Croche, Óscar López, Antonio Herrera, Óscar López, Jorge Román, Delfino López, Javier Montano
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