Toto and Marcellino (1958)

Toto and Marcellino

Title: Toto and Marcellino

Release Date: 1958-04-22

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 97 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Toto and Marcellino full movie for free. Released in 1958, Toto and Marcellino movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Marcellino becomes an orphan and finds two uncles--a good old eccentric man and a villain.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Toto and Marcellino a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Totò, Pablito Calvo, Memmo Carotenuto, Jone Salinas, Fanfulla, Wandisa Guida, Nanda Primavera, Amelia Perrella, Marianna Leibl, Renato Terra, Sandro Bianchi, Salvatore Campochiaro, Damiano Polito


Antonio Musu, Manolo Bolognini, Renato Panetuzzi, Antonio Musu, Luigi Rovere, Ugo Nudi, Osvaldo Civirani, Fernanda Ventimiglia, Giovanni Bergamini, Pasquale Festa Campanile, Carlo Rustichelli, Pia Marchesi, Emilio Trani, Silvio Maestranzi, Massimo Franciosa, Sergio Bergamini, Eliseo Boschi, Diego Fabbri, Massimo Franciosa, Carlo Savina, Giorgio Arlorio, Alfredo Bini, Renato del Frate, Mario Faraoni, Renzo Cerrato, Ottavio Scotti, Raffaele Del Monte, Massimo Tavazzi, Otello Colangeli

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