Lovers of Paris (1957)
Title: Lovers of Paris
Release Date: 1957-10-18
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 115 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Lovers of Paris full movie for free. Released in 1957, Lovers of Paris movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Young, handsome, dashing but cynical, Octave Mouret arrives in Paris, determined to conquer the belles of the capital.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Lovers of Paris a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Gérard Philipe, Dany Carrel, Danielle Darrieux, Jacques Duby, Jane Marken, Olivier Hussenot, Henri Vilbert, Jean Brochard, Danielle Dumont, Anouk Aimée, George Cusin, Claude Nollier, Jacques Grello, Van Doude, Michèle Grellier, Gaston Jacquet, Denise Gence, Alexandre Rignault, Monique Vita, Judith Magre, Pascale de Boysson, Liliane Ernout, Valérie Vivin, Betty Beckers, Catherine Samie, Micheline Luccioni, Jenny Orléans, Germaine de France, Gabrielle Fontan, Arielle Coigney, Lydia Ewandé, Henri Coutet, Albert Médina, Jacques Eyser, Rivers Cadet, Jean-Louis Le Goff, Paul Faivre, Charles Lemontier, Jean Degrave, René Worms, Andrès, Marius Gaidon, Roger Lecuyer, Paule Launay
Julien Duvivier, Léo Joannon, Henri Jeanson, Julien Duvivier, Robert Hakim, Émile Zola, Léon Barsacq, Michel Kelber, Maurice Barnathan, Marcel Escoffier, Jean Wiener, Raymond Hakim, Madeleine Gug
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