Lady in the Fog (1952)

Lady in the Fog

Title: Lady in the Fog

Release Date: 1952-10-13

Genres: Mystery

Runtime: 77 minutes

Status: Released


Murder was easy...this girl was solve!

Watch Lady in the Fog full movie for free. Released in 1952, Lady in the Fog movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

In this murder mystery, a woman's brother is killed in a freak accident, or so she believes. Fortunately for her, an American journalist is more suspicious and so begins roaming the London streets in search of the killer.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Lady in the Fog a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Cesar Romero, Bernadette O'Farrell, Lois Maxwell, Geoffrey Keen, Campbell Singer, Alastair Hunter, Mary Mackenzie, Lloyd Lamble, Frank Birch, Wensley Pithey, Reed De Rouen, Peter Swanwick, Richard Johnson, Bill Fraser, Lisa Lee, Lionel Harris, Betty Cooper, Clare James, Katie Johnson, Jacques Cey, Jean Bayless, Stuart Nichol, Marguerite Brennan, Robert Adair, Terry Carney, Robert Dorning, Josephine Douglas, Christina Forrest, Jack Howarth, Robert Moore, Stuart Saunders, Dorinda Stevens, Hazel Sutton, Larry Taylor, James Ure


Sam Newfield, Moray Grant, Bill Griffiths, Philip Leakey, Anthony Hinds, Michael Carreras, Ivor Slaney, C. Wilfred Arnold, Renée Glynne, Walter J. Harvey, James Needs, Lester Powell, Bill Salter, Muir Mathieson, Orville H. Hampton

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