Lonesome Jim (2005)

Lonesome Jim

Title: Lonesome Jim

Release Date: 2005-11-16

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Runtime: 91 minutes

Status: Released


Change your outlook. Change your life.

Watch Lonesome Jim full movie for free. Released in 2005, Lonesome Jim movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

After failing to find success as a writer in New York City, Jim slinks back to his family's home in the Midwest to lick his wounds. But his visit is quickly complicated when his angst spreads to his brother, Tim, who promptly decides to drive his car straight into a tree. Under the shadow of his sibling's injurious actions, Jim strikes up an unlikely friendship with Anika, whose centered small-town wisdom gradually rubs off on him.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Lonesome Jim a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Casey Affleck, Kevin Corrigan, Liv Tyler, Mary Kay Place, Seymour Cassel, Rachel Strouse, Sarah Strouse, Rick Duplissie, Mark Boone Junior, Jake La Botz, Don Strouse, Doug Liechty Caskey, Pam Angell, Jack Rovello


Steve Buscemi, Jim Strouse, Jake Abraham, Galt Niederhoffer, Celine Rattray, Plummy Tucker, Alex Steyermark, Linda Cohen, Derrick Tseng, Michael E. Phillips, Evan Lurie, Phil Parmet, Gary Winick, Anna Waterhouse, Daniela Taplin Lundberg, John Sloss, Reagan Silber, Jonathan Sehring, Caroline Kaplan, Sheila Jaffe, Georgianne Walken, Chuck Voelter, Chuck Voelter, James Beaver, Vicki Farrell, Kymbra Callaghan

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