Encandilan luces (2019)
Title: Encandilan luces
Release Date: 2019-07-11
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 80 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Encandilan luces full movie for free. Released in 2019, Encandilan luces movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
"Chipadelia", "The poor man's Pink Floyd", "psychedelic space chamamé"... Dazzle Lights demands a certain amount of creativity from Dick el Demasiado, Alan Courtis and other music journalists as they seek to describe the indescribable Síquicos Litoraleños. Alejandro Gallo Bermúdez never tries to profile the members of the band from Curuzú Cuatiá; the director appears to respect the privacy of a group that keeps its distance with different outfits and an ongoing quest to alter perceptions. The documentary shifts between the cultural shockwaves made by the group from Corrientes at home and at European festivals and the unintended creation of a rural psychedelic scene at the North-East of Argentina, as well as an unexpected clash with the Curuzú Cuatiá native Cristian Osorio, found of the now defunct group Saltimbankis.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Encandilan luces a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Charles Brown, Jorge Fernández, Alberto Jáuregui, Dick Verdult, Alan Courtis, Norberto Cambiasso, Aldi Balestra, Riccio, Marta Ganancia de Bracco, Griselda Cazorla, Gabriel Ovando, Mauricio Acuña Hessel, Juan Manuel Treppo, Facundo Gauna, Cristian Osorio, Alejandro Moreno, Martín Hipólito, Ramiro Ferreira, Hugo Romero, Martín Landaia, Juan Güenaga, Lito Aguirre, Alejandro Ortiz, Guillermo Álvarez Álamo, Mary Escobar, Humphrey Inzillo, Gabriel Plaza, Martín Mena, Sandro Pertini, Raúl Richard, Mark Gergis, Sascha Roth, Lukas Simonis, Henk Bakker, Cecilia Romero, Orlando Popoff, Rolf Singer, Lucas López, Terence McKenna
Santiago Van Dam, Alejandro Gallo Bermúdez, Alejandro Gallo Bermúdez, Hernán Luna, Hernán Luna, Sombra Blanco, Federico Casoni, Griselda Cazorla, Úrsula Núñez Cornejo, Luciana Braga, Agustín Casola, José E. Caldararo, Roberto Migone, Gaspar 'Quique' Silva
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