Le fils préféré (1994)

Le fils préféré

Title: Le fils préféré

Release Date: 1994-12-21

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 100 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Le fils préféré full movie for free. Released in 1994, Le fils préféré movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Jean-Paul Mantegna, the son of Italian immigrants now living in Nice, is a hunted man, riddled with debt and involved in borderline illegal companies. To extricate himself, he has to rely on Philippe and François, his two brothers, and on Raphaël, his father; a family torn by disputes and tragic events. However, by rebuilding family unity, Jean-Paul also discovers the secret of his own destiny...

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Le fils préféré a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Bernard Giraudeau, Gérard Lanvin, Jean-Marc Barr, Roberto Herlitzka, Margherita Buy, Pierre Mondy, Karin Viard, Antoinette Moya, Philippe Duclos, Jean-Pierre Becker


Nicole Garcia, Éric Gautier, Yann Dedet, Agnès Guillemot, Nicole Garcia, François Dupeyron, Jacques Fieschi, Vladimir Kostovic, Antoine Platteau, José Martín, Mirta Guarnaschelli, Alain Sarde, Philippe Carcassonne, Philippe Sarde, Vincent Arnardi, Jonathan Liebling

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