Hände hoch oder ich schieße (1966)

Hände hoch oder ich schieße

Title: Hände hoch oder ich schieße

Release Date: 1966-02-01

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 76 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Hände hoch oder ich schieße full movie for free. Released in 1966, Hände hoch oder ich schieße movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Small town policeman Holms suffers from a rather unusual problem: Because of the low crime rate, there is simply not enough to do for him. Deadly bored, he sinks into the depths of depression and requests the help of a psychiatrist. But his imagination is far more effective: In his dreams, he chases gangsters in London. Finally, some small-time crooks find a way to help "their" policeman out of his emotional misery: They steal a memorial from the market square and thus help Holms to a spectacular case.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Hände hoch oder ich schieße a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Rolf Herricht, Zdeněk Štěpánek, Evelyn Cron, Herbert Köfer, Agnes Kraus, Eberhard Cohrs, Fred Delmare, Hans Joachim Preil, Gerd E. Schäfer, Manfred Uhlig, Hans Klering, Bruno Carstens, Walter Lendrich, Werner Lierck, Edwin Marian, Gerd Ehlers, Otto Stark, Axel Triebel, Adolf Peter Hoffmann, Jochen Bley, Charlotte Küter


Hans-Joachim Kasprzik, Rudi Strahl, Hans-Joachim Kasprzik, Lothar Gerber, Ursula Rudzki, Günter Hauk

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