Underground (2021)


Title: Underground

Release Date: 2021-06-04

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 97 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Underground full movie for free. Released in 2021, Underground movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Maxime is a young Valdorian who works in a gold mine. As he experiences several difficulties as he goes through life, he will question his definition of masculinity. It's with the help of the tightly knit brotherhood of colleagues in the mine that he will find the necessary support to overcome a feeling of stubborn guilt which prevents him from achieving happiness. Until the day an explosion breaks out underground. As part of the rescue mission, Maxime descends into the mine lair with the firm intention of bringing each of his colleagues back to the surface alive.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Underground a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Joakim Robillard, Théodore Pellerin, Guillaume Cyr, Catherine Trudeau, Jean L'Italien, James Hyndman, Lauren Hartley, Mickaël Gouin, Chantal Fontaine, Bruno Marcil, Jean-François Boudreau, Maxime Genois, Charles-Aubey Houde, Sébastien Leblanc, Martin Guérin, Brigitte Tremblay, Robin L'Houmeau, Pascal Gélinas, Brad Gros-Louis, Virgil Héroux Laferté, Émilie Villeneuve, Daniel Gaulin, Richard Coderre, Adrien Crépeau, Jessy Thelland, Hugo Bergeron, James Marcotte, Guillaume Marcotte, Richard Leblanc, Marc Gagnon, Julie Audet, Gabriel-Guy Petit, Jean-Philippe Morin, Isabelle Leyrolles, Katrine Rochon


Mathieu Laverdière, Michel Grou, Sophie Dupuis, Étienne Hansez, Sophie Dupuis

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mine, mining accident, masculinity, accident, mine worker

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