Hallin Janne (1950)
Title: Hallin Janne
Release Date: 1950-09-01
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 80 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Hallin Janne full movie for free. Released in 1950, Hallin Janne movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In the late 19th century at Längelmäki two men kill a mailman and rob all the money he carried. Based on actual events.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Hallin Janne a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Helge Herala, Eeva-Kaarina Volanen, Rauha Rentola, Laila Jokimo, Harri Sinijärvi, Elvi Saarnio, Aarne Laine, Anja Kola, Eero Leväluoma, Åke Lindman, Sven Relander, Eino Kaipainen, Olavi Virta, Eero Kilpi, Matti Lehtelä, Ebbe Moe, Mauri Jaakkola, Toivo Lahti, Jalmari Parikka, Martti Romppanen, Kosti Aaltonen, Matti Aulos, Armas Jokio, Arvo Kuusla, Börje Lampenius, Esko Nurminen, Ale Porkka, Anton Soini, Viljo Voipio, Kauko Vuorensola
Esko Töyri, Roland af Hällström, Tapio Ilomäki, Gösta Salminen, Tapio Ilomäki, Leo Lehto, Roland af Hällström, Mauno Mäkelä
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prison, 19th century