Cow (2022)
Title: Cow
Release Date: 2022-01-14
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 93 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Cow full movie for free. Released in 2022, Cow movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A close-up portrait of the daily lives of a pair of cows: told by way of some narrative-free, intimate POV photography, with plenty of close shot images, we follow the daily routine of these animals as they live what can only be described as mundane, boring lives - all with an ultimate purpose within the human food chain.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Cow a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Lin Gallagher
Charlie Falconer, Tessa Morgan, Maria Carolina Santana Caraballo-Gramcko, Marina Fusella, Raphaël Sohier, Michael Bruce Ellis, Marco Alonso Monedero, Kae Ho, Nicolas Becker, Linda Forsén, Rose Garnett, Maxyne Franklin, Sandra Whipham, Magda Kowalczyk, Nicolas Chaudeurge, Rebecca Lloyd, Jacob Secher Schulsinger, Maria Carolina Santana Caraballo-Gramcko, Nikky French, Gilles Marsalet, Raphaël Sohier, Andy Cole, Alex Macaulay, Dennis Mabry, Rob Pizzey, Simon Astall, Cyril Holtz, Miha Lungu, Kate Kirkwood, Joanna Riding, Nyman Lisbon Paul, Chloe Warner-Harris, Florent Lavallée, Andrea Arnold, Kat Mansoor
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farm, dairy cow, animal life, domestic animal, animal behaviour, cow, milk cow, animal documentary, daily life