A Fragrant Way to Pass Away (1974)

A Fragrant Way to Pass Away

Title: A Fragrant Way to Pass Away

Release Date: 1974-03-08

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 95 minutes

Status: Released


Watch A Fragrant Way to Pass Away full movie for free. Released in 1974, A Fragrant Way to Pass Away movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Due to complaints, an inspector comes to a small construction industry cooperative in Bihar. The three leaders that committed embezzlement and abuse begin to think about how they could escape from being held accountable. The president knocks down and robs the inspector, but they don't find the compromising documents on him. Therefore, they decide that one of them must sacrifice himself with a poisonous liquid called "fragrant road to nowhere"...

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made A Fragrant Way to Pass Away a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


György Bárdy, Ferenc Kállai, Imre Sinkovits, Imre Pongrácz, Cecília Esztergályos, Györgyi Andai, László Bánhidi


József Magyar, István Eörsi, László Duba, Sándor Boronkay, József Magyar, János Gyulai-Gaál, Tibor Banok

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