Yona (2019)
Title: Yona
Release Date: 2019-04-13
Genres: Animation
Runtime: 5 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Yona full movie for free. Released in 2019, Yona movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
After an expedition that went wrong, Chester Cornell, American Captain of the Union finds himself deeply wounded. As he is about to die, an unexpected encounter will make him face his fears and doubts.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Yona a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Alex Parreira
Gautier Alfirevic, Kevin Rose, Kevin Rose, Gautier Alfirevic, Daniel Ly, Antoine Duchêne, Matthieu Gaillard, Morgane Lemaire, Kevin Rose, Mickaël Forrett, François Barbut, Kevin Rose, Lionel Lorne, Olivier Plazas, Anne-Sophie Griveau, Daniel Ly, Leo Recoche, Daniel Quintero, Charlotte O'Neill, Marina Saunier, Nicolas Couret-Chailloux, Mehdi Aouichaoui, Gwenn Germain, Gautier Alfirevic, Kevin Rose, Kevin Rose, Yohann Glemarec, Cédric Lehnardt, Jérémie Soilihi, Gautier Alfirevic, Aline Hananel, Charlotte O'Neill, Gautier Alfirevic, Kevin Rose, Kevin Rose, George Makhshigian, Laurent Labeyrie, Agathe Bulik, Maxime Voidey, Félix Ferrand, Daniel Ly, Mickaël Forrett, Kevin Phou, François Barbut, Célia Sayaphoum, Marie-Alix Hoffmann, Mickaël Forrett, Jordan Rakotondrasoa, Gautier Alfirevic, Nicolas Besse, Emmanuel Rebaudengo, Samuel Mclean, Anthony Dugousset
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