Duck in Orange Sauce (1975)
Title: Duck in Orange Sauce
Release Date: 1975-12-19
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 105 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Duck in Orange Sauce full movie for free. Released in 1975, Duck in Orange Sauce movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
When his wife wants a divorce -- in preference of a romantic Frenchman -- husband Livio seemingly accepts. But when he sets up a last weekend together with his secretary and his wife's lover, the trip turns out to be part of an elaborate plan to win his wife back.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Duck in Orange Sauce a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Monica Vitti, Ugo Tognazzi, Barbara Bouchet, John Richardson, Sabina De Guida, Antonio Allocca, Angelo Boscariol, Tom Felleghy, Massimo Ciprari, Renzo Granelli
Luciano Salce, William Douglas-Home, Armando Trovajoli, Franco Di Giacomo, Luca Sabatelli, Bernardino Zapponi, Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon, Lorenzo Baraldi, Antonio Siciliano, Luciano Luna, Mario Cecchi Gori, Vincenzo Mazzucchi, Stefano Rolla, Attilio Viti, Massimo Ferrero, Mario Lupi, Vincenzo Medusa, Rosanna Andreoni, Giancarlo Del Brocco, Paolo Franceschi, Alvaro Rossi, Marisa Agostini, Giuseppe Lanci, Gianfranco Transunto, Mario Celentano, Giovanni Fratarcangeli, Roberto Russo, Maria Luisa Lisci, Mario Morigi
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