Jalil (2009)
Title: Jalil
Release Date: 2009-06-01
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 29 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Jalil full movie for free. Released in 2009, Jalil movie was made with a budget of $230,421 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Jalil is 17-year-old boy living with his Iranian family in a suburb near Helsinki. Though he has lived in Finland all his life, it seems hard for him to find acceptance among the "native" Finns. At home he faces the opposite problem. His parents demand him to respect Iranian cultural traditions. Jalil is about one day in the life of a boy standing on the edge of two cultures. On this summer day big things are bound to culminate; religion, identity, love.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Jalil a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Faruk Nazeri, Masume Amerifar, Mahmoud Rasoul, Malla Malmivaara, Rasoul Dehgan, Hamy Ramezan, Ali Tehrani, Elias Gould
Mahsa Malka, Pietu Korhonen, Kirsi Suominen, Mika Vartiainen, Ilkka Mertsola, Mazdak Nassir, Matti Pentikäinen, Jussi Rautaniemi, Mazdak Nassir, Katarina Lume, Pietu Korhonen, Nadja Delcos
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rap music, family relationships, iran, finland, immigrant family