Die Geierwally (1988)

Die Geierwally

Title: Die Geierwally

Release Date: 1988-01-28

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 105 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Die Geierwally full movie for free. Released in 1988, Die Geierwally movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Geierwally is a musical comedy and a parody of traditional movies with regional background, especially the classic story of Geierwally.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Die Geierwally a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Samy Orfgen, Christoph Eichhorn, Gottfried Lackmann, Ralph Morgenstern, Ortrud Beginnen, Brigitte Janner, Karl-Heinz von Hassel, Barbara Valentin, Stephan Wald, Dave Cooke, Veronica Ferres, Sonja Neudorfer, Walter Bockmayer, Elisabeth Volkmann, Jutta Küpper, Rolf Bührmann, Lars Degenhardt, Heiner Schunke, Andre Alexander, Helmut Fülbert, Klaus Emberger, Gisela Lange, Martina Lauch, Richard Lindl, Barbara Langenberg, Alexander von der Groeben, Ralf Lippmann, Volker Albers, Frank Wienecke, Freya Wippich, Jackie Carter, Linda Uebelherr, Gitta Walther


Wolfgang Simon, Walter Bockmayer, Wilhelmine von Hillern, Rolf Bührmann, Walter Bockmayer, Walter Bockmayer, Karin Nowarra, Alexander Rupp, Bernd Holzmüller, Waltraud Lindner, Manfred Arbter, Jürgen Mettmann, Hannes Wild, Susanne Nischwitz Blössl, Hurst Hornung, Thomas Schappert, Felix Hock, Hans Bacher, Karin Nowarra, Susanne Weiß, Willy Kluter, Yvonne Tratz, Helmut Röttgen, Rolf Bührmann, Kurt Ockermüller, Bernd Holzmüller, Peter Aigner, Rolf Michaletz, Karl Baumgartner, Gisela Lange, Martina Lauch, Mel Kutbay, Thomas Müller, Gabriele Heuser, Alexander Korn, Brian Cribbon, Christian Moldt, Peter Blössl, Helmut Röttgen, Heinz Sottung, Helmut Hribernigg, Richard Lindl, Kay Gauditz, Andrea Capella, Claus Beiser, Walter Bockmayer, Adam Olech, Thomas Ernst, Edgar Hinz, Klaus Emberger, Heiner Schunke, David Cooke, Veronica Ferres

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