Scarecrow Slayer (2003)
Title: Scarecrow Slayer
Release Date: 2003-08-12
Genres: Drama, Horror, Action
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
He Cuts to the Chase.
Watch Scarecrow Slayer full movie for free. Released in 2003, Scarecrow Slayer movie was made with a budget of $250,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A college freshman is killed during a fraternity prank and is resurrected as a demonic scarecrow
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Scarecrow Slayer a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Tony Todd, Nicole Kingston, David Castro, Jessica Mattson, Tamie Sheffield, Kim Little, Scott Carson, Steven Schultz, Elizabeth Perry, Todd Rex, D. C. Douglas, Steven Glinn, Brett Erickson, Brendan Aucoin, Jonathan Murphy, Scott Parietti, Robin Daléa, Mark Irvingsen, Mike Flowers, Audrey Latt
David Michael Latt, Michael Valenzuela, Bill Cunningham, David Michael Latt, Joel Newman, Charles Arthur Berg, Anthony C. Ferrante, Emmanuel Itier, Scott Pfeiffer, Tony Todd, Tanya York, Vincent Gillioz, John Willis III, David Michael Latt, Shannon Kemp, Sam Greenmun, Marc Goodrich, Todd Rex, Eric Sonntag, Shana Weissman-Mintz, Kimberly Ulmer, Jesse Blanco, Paul Sheargold, Sam Greenmun, Lionel Ball, Don Thomas, Matt Yuan, S.J. Granai, Todd Rex, David Michael Latt, Ryan Oliver, Todd Rex, Yogi Allen, Greg Anderson, Glendel Bondoc, Daniel Chavez, Jeffrey Chin, Matthew Deetsch, Jeff Dorer, Eric Forand, Tom Hejda, King Lanaux, Bobby Lindic, Erik Messerschmidt, Rocky Rodriguez, Darryl Rue, Dave Thurlow, Jack L. Zeman, Matthew Ballard, Anwar Fennell, John Yuan
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