Velvet Hands (1979)
Title: Velvet Hands
Release Date: 1979-12-20
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Runtime: 98 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Velvet Hands full movie for free. Released in 1979, Velvet Hands movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Engineer Quiller has become rich by selling his completely indestructible shop-window glass to jeweleries around the world. But this got him lots of enemies too: the insurance agencies, who've lost hundreds of customers, and the burglarers. When he temporarily looses his memory and voice in an accident, of all people, a family of thieves finds and cares for him - believing he's a pocket-picker. Things get complicated when he falls in love with his host Tilli.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Velvet Hands a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Adriano Celentano, Eleonora Giorgi, Pippo Santonastaso, Olga Karlatos, Memo Dittongo, Gino Santercole, John Sharp, Gianni Zullo, Sandro Ghiani, Sergio Tardioli, Walter Valdi, Dino Cassio, John Karlsen, Renzo Palmer, Pietro Tordi, Ania Pieroni, Gianrico Tondinelli
Franco Castellano, Pipolo, Franco Castellano, Franco Castellano, Pipolo, Pipolo, Bruno Amalfitano, Alessandro Metz, Francesco Giorgi, Luca Sabatelli, Nando De Luca, Antonio Siciliano, Luciano Luna, Mario Cecchi Gori, Angelo Zemella, Massimo Ferrero, Paolo Giorgi, Enrico Carozzi, Armando Zappi, Mario Lupi, Giulio Cestari, Pierantonio Mecacci, Mario Michisanti, Paolo Franceschi, Roberto Magnani, Paola Folcolini, Sandro Tamborra, Alessandro Grossi, Luigi Salvi, Amedeo Casati, Gianni Zampagni, Vittoria Vigorelli, Sergio Muzzi, Roberto Sterbini, Gualtiero Caprara, Antonio Leurini, Giancarlo Rocchetti, Romano Checcacci, Alfio Contini
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