Where the Night Begins (1991)
Title: Where the Night Begins
Release Date: 1991-01-01
Genres: Horror
Runtime: 94 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Where the Night Begins full movie for free. Released in 1991, Where the Night Begins movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
This film tells the story about a young man, Irving, who returns to the house where he grew up - just after the death of his father, whose reputation got destroyed by the suicide of a young woman he had an affair with. Irving left his small-town home a long time ago, after breaking off relations with his father, who was capable of all kinds of wrongdoing. In particular, Irving's old man got a girl pregnant and didn't even begin to do the right thing by her. Now that the old coot is dead and he is the sole heir, Irving has come back to town determined to right past wrongs, and see to it that the girl's family benefits from his legacy. The young man soon gets obsessed by the house and the past of his dad...
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Where the Night Begins a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Tom Gallop, Cara Wilder, Don Pearson, Kim Mai Guest, Blair Bybee, Jerry Y. Wolking, Marilu Dennhardt, Lean D. Donovan
Antonio Avati, Aurelio De Laurentiis, Luigi De Laurentiis, Stefano Caprioli, Pasquale Rachini, Amedeo Salfa, Maurizio Zaccaro, Pupi Avati
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