Magic Circle (1975)
Title: Magic Circle
Release Date: 1975-12-15
Genres: Crime
Runtime: 81 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Magic Circle full movie for free. Released in 1975, Magic Circle movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Two murders initially appear to be motivated by personal interest. However, at a closer look, they appear to be something completely different.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Magic Circle a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Octavian Cotescu, Constantin Codrescu, Mircea Anghelescu, Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan, Dumitru Chesa, Dorin Dron, Ștefan Tapalagă, Dumitru Rucăreanu, Nicu Constantin, Tudorel Popa, Alexandru Lulescu, George Aurelian, Ion Colomiet, Virgil Constantinescu, Olga Delia Mateescu, Dana Comnea, Rozina Cambos, Ioana Ciomârtan, Maria Ploae
David Reu, Nicolae Mărgineanu, Corneliu Leu, Paul Urmuzescu, Aurel Kostrachievici, Rodica Fălcoianu, Virgil Moise, Eva Vajda, Maria Anton
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