Puddles (2019)
Title: Puddles
Release Date: 2019-08-12
Genres: Animation, Fantasy
Runtime: 5 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Puddles full movie for free. Released in 2019, Puddles movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
An adventurous young boy discovers that puddles can be portals to a fantastical world, but struggles to get his sister's attention away from her phone to see the magic in the world around her.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Puddles a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Maddix Robinson, Samantha Stendal
Katie Reihman, Kendall Demarest, David Kohut, Jesse Averna, Abraham Aguilar, Sean Lurie, Jose Velasquez, Roger Lee, Robert H. Bagley, Nicholas Russell, Michael Weissman, Ivan Oviedo, Justin Weber, Celeste Pedersen, Benjamin Fiske, Lutzner Rodriguez, David E. Fluhr, Brian Davidson, Jim Finn, Aaron Campbell, Winston Quitasol, Gabriel Guy, Adam DesCombes, Joy Johnson, Michael Woodside, Eric S. McLean, Todd LaPlante, Amol Sathe, Nathan Curtis, Pedro Della Conti, Pedro Della Conti, Kaori Yoshida, James Aaron Finch, John Kahwaty, Eliot Milbourn, Nicholas Russell, Alena Wooten-Tottle, Natalia Freitas, Gabriel Stewart, Michael Woodside, Virgilio John Aquino, Kee Nam Suong, Alex Garcia, David Okey, Scott Hummel, Nikki Mull, Ivan Oviedo, Glen Claybrook, Jacob Frey, Alberto Lucena Ros, Joan Anastas, Zach Parrish, Zach Parrish, Zach Parrish, Zach Parrish
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rain, portal, puddle, short film, short circuit