A Son (2020)
Title: A Son
Release Date: 2020-01-15
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 96 minutes
Status: Released
Watch A Son full movie for free. Released in 2020, A Son movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Tunisia, summer 2011. The holiday to the South of the country ends in disaster for Fares, Meriem and their 10-year-old son Aziz, when he is accidentally shot in an ambush. His injury will change their lives: Aziz needs a liver transplant, which leads to discovery of a long-buried secret. Will Aziz and the relationship survive?
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made A Son a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Sami Bouajila, Najla Ben Abdallah, Youssef Khemiri, Noomene Hamda, Slah Msaddek, Med Ali Ben Jemaa, Qassine Rawane, Jihed Cherni, Nissaf Bel Hafsia, Karim Kefi, Laroussi Zbidi, Rim Chalbi, Jamila Camara, Amor Jmal, Mabrouk Mahdhaoui
Magali Negroni, Mehdi M. Barsaoui, Antoine Héberlé, Camille Toubkis, Sophie Abdelkafi, Randa Khedher, Amine Bouhafa, Lucas Héberlé, Romain Huonnic, Cyprien Vidal, Elory Humez, Habib Attia, Marc Irmer, Mehdi M. Barsaoui, Chantal Fischer
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