The Angels of the Street (1969)

The Angels of the Street

Title: The Angels of the Street

Release Date: 1969-10-23

Genres: Crime, Drama

Runtime: 102 minutes

Status: Released


Watch The Angels of the Street full movie for free. Released in 1969, The Angels of the Street movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Angels of the Street or The Angel of St. Pauli is a 1969 West German crime film directed by Jürgen Roland and starring Horst Frank, Herbert Fux and Werner Pochath. It is set in the St. Pauli red light district of the port of Hamburg.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Angels of the Street a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Horst Frank, Herbert Fux, Werner Pochath, Karl Lieffen, Rainer Basedow, Gernot Endemann, Irmgard Riessen, Margot Mahler, Christa Siems, Dénes Törzs, Horst Hesslein, Uwe Carstens, Karl-Ulrich Meves, Günther Neutze, Will van Deeg, Hans Waldherr, Gabriele Scharon, Jürgen Lier, Günter Lüdke, Reinhold Timm, Will Danin, Mike Henning, Jochen Sehrndt, Jürgen Janza, Esther Daniels


Herbert Taschner, Dieter Bartels, Siegfried Franz, Werner Jörg Lüddecke, Petrus Schloemp, Jürgen Roland, Karl Heinz Zeitler, Jürgen Roland

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