The Superdeep (2020)
Title: The Superdeep
Release Date: 2020-11-04
Genres: Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
Runtime: 113 minutes
Status: Released
No light. No salvation.
Watch The Superdeep full movie for free. Released in 2020, The Superdeep movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $596,370 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In 1984, a Russian research team goes below the surface to find out what secret the world's deepest borehole is hiding. On their expedition, something unexpectedly gruesome awaits the researchers.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Superdeep a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Milena Radulović, Sergey Ivanuk, Nicholay Kovbas, Nikita Dyuvbanov, Vadim Demchog, Albina Chaykina, Kirill Kovbas, Victor Nizovoy, Artyom Tsukanov, Andrey Trushin, Ilya Ilinykh, Dasha Chagal, Alisa Zelenovskaya, Alexei Sdobnov, Vladimir Kolida, Konstantin Ternovoy, Dmitry Ermoshin, Nikita Lyushnenko, Maxim Radugin, Evgeny Cherkashin, Julia Ustinova
Evgeny Musin, Valeriy Derkach, Konstantin Listratov, Natalya Kharybina, Sergey Torchilin, Sergey Torchilin, Andrey Shishkanov, Victor Bondaryuk, Alexandr Kalushkin, Arseny Syukhin, Arseny Syukhin, Nadezhda Zenkova, Marsel Kalmagambetov, Valeriya Kolesnik, Sergey Kulikov, Hayk Kirakosyan, Konstantin Elkin, Ivan Tarlykov, Andrey Lyakhov
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