Orphans (1998)
Title: Orphans
Release Date: 1998-09-03
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 101 minutes
Status: Released
Are YOUR parents a burden?
Watch Orphans full movie for free. Released in 1998, Orphans movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $49,501 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A group of four siblings reunite in Glasgow on the eve of their mother's funeral, and the children mourn their mother's passing in a variety of ways—sometimes heartfelt, sometimes bizarre. As a potential thunderstorm threatens to damage the city, the situation compounds itself.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Orphans a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Douglas Henshall, Gary Lewis, Rosemarie Stevenson, Stephen McCole, Ann Swan, Frank Gallagher, Alex Norton, Dave Anderson, Malcolm Shields, Laura O'Donnell, John Comerford, Deirdre Davis, Eric Barlow, Frances Carrigan, Judith A. Williams, Sheila Donald, Maureen Carr, Laurie Ventry, Steven Singleton, Seamus Ball, Sarah Hepburn, Martha Leishman, Stephen Docherty, Robert W. Carr, Gilbert Martin, Jan Wilson, Lenny Mullan, June Brogan, Paul Doonan, Linda Cuthbert (Linda Jane Devlin), Lex Keith, Hugh Ferris, Joel Strachan, Tam White, Vanya Eadie, Dorothy Jane Stewart, Michael Mallon, James Casey, Alan Gracie, Jim Twaddale, Michael Sharpe, Lee-Ann McCran, Debbie Welsh, Donna Chalmer, Catherine Connell, Louise Dunn, Luke Coulter, Kate Brailsford, Helen Devon, Josie Aitken Sheridan, Jenny Swan, Mary Jane Wells
Peter Mullan, Peter Mullan, Grant Cameron, Colin Monie, Frances Higson, Paddy Higson, Craig Armstrong, Campbell Gordon, Frances Connell, Lynn Aitken, Anastasia Shirley, Mike Prestwood Smith, Doreen Jones
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funeral, scotland, church, drive by shooting, double barreled shotgun, destroyed church