My Extraordinary Summer with Tess (2019)
Title: My Extraordinary Summer with Tess
Release Date: 2019-07-03
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 80 minutes
Status: Released
Watch My Extraordinary Summer with Tess full movie for free. Released in 2019, My Extraordinary Summer with Tess movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
As the youngest of the family, Sam is haunted by the notion that someday he could become the last remaining survivor, all alone. On a family vacation at the beach, he meets the unconventional Tess, who carries her own secrets around with her and shows him how the present moment can win out over memories and anxiety about what’s yet to come.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made My Extraordinary Summer with Tess a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Sonny Coops van Utteren, Josephine Arendsen, Julian Ras, Tjebbo Gerritsma, Suzan Boogaerdt, Johannes Kienast, Terence Schreurs, Jennifer Hoffman, Hans Dagelet, Guido Pollemans, Lizzy van Vleuten, Margot Bloem, Tessa du Mee, Peer Pheifer
Laura van Dijk, Franziska Henke, Giel Schuijt, Florian Legters, Claudia Goetz, Joram Willink, Marcel Lenz, Joram Willink, Christine Houbiers, Steven Wouterlood, Guido Schwab, Piet-Harm Sterk, Maaike Neve, Sal Kroonenberg, Anna Woltz
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coming of age, summer vacation, family vacation, based on children's book