Story of My Name (2019)

Story of My Name

Title: Story of My Name

Release Date: 2019-01-26

Genres: Documentary

Runtime: 78 minutes

Status: Released


A peculiar coincidence

Watch Story of My Name full movie for free. Released in 2019, Story of My Name movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

After a fire destructed my house, I return to the places where I grew up looking for childhood recollections. In this journey appears the memory of a photo for Karin Eitel, a young woman, tortured and detained during the dictatorship, to whom I owe my name. A story that my parents never told me, brings me closer to Karin and not just because of my name. In the background, the memory of a childhood in Chile, a country that reconstructed its democracy omitting its own history.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Story of My Name a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.



Karin Cuyul, Felipe Bello, Catalina Marín Duarte, Roberto Collío, Nicolás Tabilo, Dominga Sotomayor, Karin Cuyul, Josephine Schroeder, Ana Alice de Morais, Valentina Arango

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