Curtiz (2019)


Title: Curtiz

Release Date: 2019-09-12

Genres: Drama, History

Runtime: 99 minutes

Status: Released


No country should change a man's character.

Watch Curtiz full movie for free. Released in 2019, Curtiz movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Hollywood, 1942. The US government pressures Hungarian-born film director Michael Curtiz, who is about to finish shooting Casablanca, to accentuate the film's propaganda message in order to sway public opinion in favor of the country's intervention in the European war.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Curtiz a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Ferenc Lengyel, Evelin Dobos, Declan Hannigan, Scott Alexander Young, József Gyabronka, Nikolett Barabas, Yan Feldman, Rafael Feldman, Christopher Krieg, Andrew Hefler, Lili Bordán, Dániel Gábori, Caroline Boulton, Eszter Nagy-Kálózy, Jeremy Wheeler, Árpád Szöczi, Altay Lawrence, Christine Grace Szarkó, Bob Atkins, Csenge Tálas, Petra Juronics, Ladislav Mellár, Roland Elzer, László Barna Szücs, Elin Inez Topolánszky, Claudia Sümeghy, Tamás Yvan Topolánszky, Oscar Reyes, Lawrence Masella, Kata Sarbó, Michael Plyler, Roderick Hill, Sándor Köleséri, Maria Douwes, Johnny K. Palmer, Björn Freiberg, Villó Könczei, Zsuzsanna Bíró, Michael Treder, Tamás Sásdi, Lainey D. Molnár, Georgina Garamszegi, Viktória Kopper, Brigitta Barabás, Gábor Subicz, Áron Komjáti, Márton Soós, Dávid Ülkei, Balázs Bukovinszki, David Miller, Anna Johnsson, Gervais Weekes, Ian O'Donnell, Judy Greenberg, Carl Romey, Franklin D. Roosevelt


Zoltán Dévényi, Alan K. Rode, Kata Kiss, Eszter Bodoky, Jeff Hammer, Dániel Antonovits, Gergely Nagy, Claudia Sümeghy, Gábor Stiglincz, Ferenc Bukovszky, Claudia Sümeghy, Ágnes Kiss, Lili Bordán, Eszter Fixek, Tamás Kulcsár, Tamás Yvan Topolánszky, Tamás Kiss, András Szendrõ, János Breckl, Imre Madácsi, Péter Dóczé, Tamás Yvan Topolánszky, Mónika Szabó, Péter Pálinkás, Emil Goodman, Dorka Kiss, Éva Kolontáry, Imre Richárd Herczeg, Zsolt Iván Varga, Zsuzsanna Bak, Attila Gigor, Katalin Vasali, Balázs Szatmári, Lajos Simon, Dániel Bíró, Tímea Agg, Luca Anna Molnár, Tamás Yvan Topolánszky, Ferenc Deák, Tamás Yvan Topolánszky, Karolina Árpa, Róbert Erdélyi, Gábor Subicz, Ákos Hoboth, Ward Parry, Júlia Sebök, István Vajda, Stefano Gallini-Durante, Tamás Yvan Topolánszky, Barnabás Hutlassa, Claudia Sümeghy, Orian Williams, Judit Romwalter, Tamás Yvan Topolánszky

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