Corno (2013)
Title: Corno
Release Date: 2013-03-29
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 78 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Corno full movie for free. Released in 2013, Corno movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A feature-length documentary portrait of Québécoise painter Johanne Corno, who has lived and worked in New York City for more than 20 years. Ignored by the art intelligentsia in Québec, she settled abroad to escape that creative constraint, and built an enviable international career. Today, she casts a lucid eye on her work and describes the resources she draws on to survive in the jungle of the contemporary art world.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Corno a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Corno, Ahmad Bachan, Éric Allouche, Robert Bernier, Cécile Corneau, Line Corneau, Guy Corneau, Sébastien Faure, Lise Gauthier, Paul Maréchal, Réjean Thomas
Serge Desrosiers, Guy Édoin, Michel Trudeau, Laurent Ouellette, Patrice Fortin, Dominique Champagne, Michel Cusson, Martin Bisaillon, Guy Édoin, Daniel Ferland, Michel Trudeau, François Arbour, Claude Beaugrand, Fabienne Larouche, Fabienne Larouche, Dominique Champagne, Martin Bisaillon, Anouk Brault, François Corbeil, Laurent Ouellette, Cindy Langelier, Judith Dubeau, Sébastien Pigeon, Martin Bouffard, Joanie Drouin-Laplante, Luc Boudrias, Yannick Gamache, François Beaupré-Goulet, Karole Lemieux, Francine Poirier, Claude Beaugrand, Lise Wedlock, Bianca Boujemaa, Élyse Lavallée, Martin Bisaillon, Louis-Antoine Lassonde, Marilyn de Billy, Stéphane Guévin, Sébastien Pigeon, Daniel Bisson, François Artacho, Dominique Chartrand, Tania Gauthier, Nathalie Potvin, Fabienne Larouche, Sylvie Lacoste, Michel Trudeau, Audrey Martineau, Sylvie Lacoste
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new york city, painting, quebec, painter, montreal, canada, portrait, portrait painting, female painter