On Home Grounds (1969)
Title: On Home Grounds
Release Date: 1969-01-23
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 68 minutes
Status: Released
Watch On Home Grounds full movie for free. Released in 1969, On Home Grounds movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
This ironic comedy is set in the god-forsaken Kiskúnbékás, at the end of the fifties. There are no jobs, the town's "golden team", who once were third class national soccer players have scattered
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made On Home Grounds a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Sándor Pécsi, Zoltán Latinovits, László Csákányi, István Egri, János Koltai, László Keleti, István Sztankay, Sándor Tompa, Gyula Szabó, József Horváth, János Körmendi, Józsa Hacser, Teri Horváth, Mária Goór Nagy, Éva Almási, Zsuzsa Liska, Anna Nagy, Szilvia Dallos, Zsuzsa Csala, Sándor Böske, Ibolya Péva, Árpád Gyenge, Károly Gyulai, Endre Csonka, Ferenc Zentai, Sándor Pethes, Sándor Suka, Ernő Szénási, Jenő Szirmay, László Kozák, György Györffy, László György, József Kautzky, István Velenczei, László Ferencz, Éva Schubert, Ila Schütz, Imre Sinkovits, Tivadar Gyimesi, Gábor Kiss, István Pathó, József Zana
Sándor Boronkay, József Romvári, Tibor Banok, Aurélné Varga, Károly Molnár, Gábor Erdélyi, Imre Bursi, Ottó Elek, Lajos Forgács, Zsazsa Lázár, Péter Simon, Imre Bencsik, Sándor Köő, Éva Martin, Mihály Aszódi, Ottó Forgács, Ferenc Lovas, György Palásthy
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