The Rescued Generation (1960)
Title: The Rescued Generation
Release Date: 1960-01-04
Genres: Drama, War
Runtime: 87 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Rescued Generation full movie for free. Released in 1960, The Rescued Generation movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Antonina Vasilyevna, as a member of the bureau of the district committee of the party, was instructed to save the Leningrad children, whom the war overtook in the suburban camps. She took them to the Kirov region. After twelve days of hard travel, the children arrived in the village of Supryadki...
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Rescued Generation a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Raisa Kurkina, Kira Zharkova, Nikolai Yelizarov, Anastasiya Filippova, Aleksandr Degtyar, Vyacheslav Shalevich, Yevgeni Teterin, Olga Markina, Marina Gavrilko, Mikhail Troyanovsky, Aleksei Barndyk, Boris Tokarev, Olga Velikanova, Aleksandr Barabanov, Valeri Zubarev, Igor Bogolyubov, Maya Blinova, Nikolai Garin, Vadim Zakharchenko, Zoya Tolbuzina, Nikolay Kuzmin, Boris Kordunov, Vera Lipstok, Aleksandr Afanasev, Margarita Zharova, Nikolai Yudin, Oleg Mokshantsev
Grigoriy Gamburg, Aleksandr Shtein, Yuri Pobedonostsev, Nikolai Ozornov, Lyudmila Bezsmertnova, Mikhail Bruyevich, Aleksei Polkanov, Nikolai Kryukov, Irina Zakharova
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