The Hairy Tooth Fairy 2 (2008)
Title: The Hairy Tooth Fairy 2
Release Date: 2008-12-12
Genres: Animation, Family
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Hairy Tooth Fairy 2 full movie for free. Released in 2008, The Hairy Tooth Fairy 2 movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Eight year old Lucas would like to know how the Tooth Fairy exchanges coins for teeth without getting caught. He is determined to stay awake all night to find out. Meanwhile, a little mouse falls into a trap set by a dishonest contractor who is desperate to tell the world his secret, that the mouse is the Tooth Fairy. Lucas and his family has to do everything in their power to help the sweet little mouse with its mission, which since time immemorial, is to make children happy...
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Hairy Tooth Fairy 2 a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Claudia Fontán, Manuel Manquiña, Matías Sandor, Camila Riveros, Fernando Guillén Cuervo, Manuela Velasco, Joe Rígoli, Marcos Woinsky, Edda Díaz, Ignacio Huang, Javier Lorenzo
Angel E. Pariente, Natalia Jazanovich, Andrés G. Schaer
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