Outside In (1994)

Outside In

Title: Outside In

Release Date: 1994-05-15

Genres: Animation, Documentary

Runtime: 22 minutes

Status: Released


Discusses the problem of turning a sphere inside out without creating sharp bends or creases, illustrating an application of turning points.

Watch Outside In full movie for free. Released in 1994, Outside In movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The computer animation Outside In explains the amazing discovery, made by Steve Smale in 1957, that a sphere can be turned inside out by means of smooth motions and self-intersections. Through a combination of dialogue and exposition accessible to anyone who has some interest in mathematics, Outside In builds up to the grand finale: Bill Thurston's "corrugations" method of turning the sphere inside out.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Outside In a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Karen McNenny, Paul de Cordova


Silvio Levy, Delle Maxwell, Tamara Munzner, David Ben-Zvi, Daeron Meyer, Adam Deaton, Dan Krech, Matt Headrick, Mark Phillips, Celeste Fowler, Stuart Levy, Charlie Gunn, Nathaniel Thurston, Stephanie Mason, Linus Upson, Scott Wisdom, David Ben-Zvi, Matt Headrick, Silvio Levy, Delle Maxwell, Tamara Munzner, Bill Thurston, Audrey Robinson, Scott Gaff, François Apéry, George Francis, Nelson Max, Richard McGehee, Tony Phillips, Angie Vail

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mathematics, educational, sphere, scientific theory

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