Murderous Children (2018)
Title: Murderous Children
Release Date: 2018-03-22
Genres: Drama, Thriller
Runtime: 120 minutes
Status: Released
Evil always has a beginning
Watch Murderous Children full movie for free. Released in 2018, Murderous Children movie was made with a budget of $406,942 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
4 stories about 4 criminal children. Two teenagers trapped in a world full of drugs and human trafficking, another two kids bring their loved ones to the limit, other two resentful kids want to fulfill their most evil desires, and one kid who has to decide between killing or loving.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Murderous Children a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Uriel Reymund, Kay Ciani, Israel Jiménez, Adrián Escalona, Jaime Her Alvídrez, Andrea Jimalva, Itzel Mondragón, Octavio Vargas, Emilio Contreras, Gil Zepeda, Jorge Cruz, Germán Gutiérrez, Cynthia Quintana, Lucero Lander, Alpha Acosta, Sergio Feregrino, Mariana Robles, Luis Xavier Cavazos, Jorge Gallegos, Abraham Kleinfinger, María Fernanda Torres
Ricardo Trejo, Ulyses Contreras, Cesar Tavera, José Alfredo Díaz, Israel Martínez Quiroz, Hugo Noriega Valencia, Martha Soto Orozco, Armando Tavera, Ricardo Tavera, Ricardo Tavera, Rodrigo de Vega Benavides, Andrés Prado
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