Deep Inside Clint Star (1999)

Deep Inside Clint Star

Title: Deep Inside Clint Star

Release Date: 1999-06-18

Genres: Documentary

Runtime: 88 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Deep Inside Clint Star full movie for free. Released in 1999, Deep Inside Clint Star movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Director Clint Alberta takes us on a hilarious and bittersweet journey into the hearts and minds of some very ordinary, extraordinary young Canadians. Clint, taking on the role of Clint Star, seeks out his far-flung buddies, young Natives like himself. They talk about sex and life... love and abuse... 500 years of oppression--with humour, grace and courage. Deep Inside Clint Star explores issues of identity, sexuality and intimacy, while retaining the creative and playful style of a director who is not afraid of turning the camera on himself. This engaging documentary will draw you out of yourself and deep inside Clint Star.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Deep Inside Clint Star a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Clint Alberta


Gordon Creelman, James Cavalluzzo, Louise Lore, Katharine Assals, Shreela Chakrabartty, Geoffrey Mitchell, Shelley Craig, Marcos Arriaga, Silva Basmajian, Juli Saragosa, Clint Alberta, Clint Alberta

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sexual identity, canada, interview, lgbt, first nations, aboriginal

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