Film Horor (2007)

Film Horor

Title: Film Horor

Release Date: 2007-12-02

Genres: Comedy, Horror

Runtime: 115 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Film Horor full movie for free. Released in 2007, Film Horor movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

This is an Indonesian parody movie with the film making fun of its own horror movie industry.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Film Horor a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Angie Virgin, Sheila Marcia, Reza Rahadian, Andhika Gumilang, Secha Laurette, Terta Mayasari, Udjie Tongky, Dwi AP, Ferdi Ali, Elena Lubis, Shierly Rushworth, Buanergis Muryono, Alex Bintaro, Bendel, Epy Kusnandar, Siti Fatonah, Ricko Ramadhoni, Ranti Syakri, Rebecca Reijman, Cut Memey, Maria Eva, Ferry Irawan


Toto Hoedi, Shankar RS, Herlin Lanang, Uchay Auvi Pro, Kristuadji Legopranowo, Pramod Naidu, Sunnu Sudianto, Suhartoyo, Adrian Sugiono, Jack Siswanto, Christina Levina, Hornady Setiawan, Rus Y Sapari, Restie Hartanti, Eko Pekalongan, Deddy Atmadja, Rus Y Sapari, Catur Panji, Trada Lardiatama, Ketty Katlya, Niken Sudianto, Martin Serra, Ardi Andalas, Iswahyudi, Nuansa Herwindo, Toto Hoedi, Toto Hoedi, H. Gafong, Chandra Pinem, Dany Jihan, Auren Oswin P., Shankar RS, Toto Hoedi

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