Rocky Carambola (1979)
Title: Rocky Carambola
Release Date: 1979-06-20
Genres: Comedy, Family
Runtime: 81 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Rocky Carambola full movie for free. Released in 1979, Rocky Carambola movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
The circus in which Rocky Carambola and Coco, his chimpanzee friend, work, arrives in a city where strange things happen.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Rocky Carambola a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Torrebruno, José «Saza» Sazatornil, María Victoria, Ariadna Welter, Mary Carrillo, Pancho Córdova, María Kosty, Rafael Hernández, Alberto Fernández, Víctor Israel, Cris Huerta, Francisco Camoiras, José Luis Chinchilla, Marisa Porcel, Tony Valento, José Panizo, Román Ariznavarreta, Karl Naumann, Carlos Moreno, Germán Cadierno, Nacho Parra, Isabel Tenaille, Pilar Trenas, Joaquín Arozamena
Diego Molina, Félix Fernández, Javier Aguirre, Paloma Ramírez de Loaysa, José Luis Dibildos, Federico Gómez Grau, Ramiro Gómez, Josefa Morales, Blanca Guillén, Antonio Ramírez de Loaysa, Salvador Gil, Jaime Campmany, Joaquín Mortera, Romana González, Juan Gracia, Jesús Peña, José María González, Sixto Rincón, Lucía Martín, Manuel Rojas, Antón García Abril, José Luis Dibildos, Juan de la Flor, Enrique Molinero, Torrebruno, Julio Parra, José Luis Dibildos
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