The Mind Benders (1963)

The Mind Benders

Title: The Mind Benders

Release Date: 1963-02-01

Genres: Thriller, Drama

Runtime: 109 minutes

Status: Released


PERVERTED... SOULESS! The Most Dangerous And Different Motion Picture Ever Brought To The Screen!

Watch The Mind Benders full movie for free. Released in 1963, The Mind Benders movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A British scientist is discovered to have been passing information to the Communists, then kills himself. Another scientist decides that they might have brainwashed him by a sensory deprivation technique, but he doesn’t know if someone really can be convinced to act against their strongest feelings. So he agrees to be the subject in an experiment in which others will try to make him stop loving his wife.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Mind Benders a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Dirk Bogarde, Mary Ure, John Clements, Michael Bryant, Wendy Craig, Harold Goldblatt, Geoffrey Keen, Terry Palmer, Norman Bird, Terence Alexander, Grace Arnold, Timothy Beaton, Elizabeth Counsell, Roger Delgado, Ian Dewar, Geoffrey Denton, Ashik Devello, Terence Edmond, Christopher Ellis, Edward Fox, Imogen Hassall, Robin Hawdon, Georgina Moon, Edward Palmer, Philip Ray, Renu Setna, Anthony Singleton, Teresa Van Hoorn, David Weston, Pauline Winter


Basil Dearden, James Kennaway, Michael Relph, Georges Auric, John D. Guthridge, Anthony Mendleson, Charles Orme, Denys N. Coop, Susan Dyson, Jim Morahan, Harry Frampton, Pearl Orton, Basil Rayburn, Bill Surridge, Robert T. MacPhee, Gordon K. McCallum, Vivian Temple-Smith, Eric Besche, Muir Mathieson

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experiment, spy, cold war, psychology, brainwashing, sensory deprivation

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