Fiddlers (1973)
Title: Fiddlers
Release Date: 1973-04-02
Genres: Drama, Romance, Music
Runtime: 140 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Fiddlers full movie for free. Released in 1973, Fiddlers movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Leader of a traveling gypsy band from the steppes of Bessarabia (now Moldova), Toma Alistar is a skilled violinist whose fame takes him on tours around European capitals and royal courts. He remains obsessed with his first love, beautiful Leanca who was married elsewhere while Toma was traveling, and spends his life and fortune trying to find her.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Fiddlers a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Grigore Grigoriu, Svetlana Toma, Sergey Lunkevich, Dumitru Hãbãsescu, Jenea Rolko, Olga Câmpeanu, Angelica Iascencu, Galina Vodnyatskaya, Haralambie Berdaga, Dumitru Mocanu, Liubomir Iorga, Ilie Moschei, Vasile Zubcu-Codreanu, N. Fagurel, Mihai Timofti, Willy Musoian, Valeriu Cupcea, Mircea Soțchi-Voinicescu, Viktor Sotsky-Voinicescu, Dumitru Fusu, Viktor Chutak, Constantsa Tirtseu
Emil Loteanu, Emil Loteanu, Gheorghe Dimitriu, Mariana Dimitriu, Isidor Burdin, Vitali Kalashnikov, Valentina Plugaru, Eugen Doga
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