A & E: When Patients Attack (2015)
Title: A & E: When Patients Attack
Release Date: 2015-01-01
Genres: Action, Crime, Documentary, TV Movie
Runtime: 43 minutes
Status: Released
The security staff of Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, U.K., is constantly kept on its feet by aggressive patients. This is their story.
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Hospital staff are reporting more violence and anti-social behaviour than ever before. In 2015, 8 staff were assaulted every hour – a new record high. At The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham – one of the UK’s biggest hospitals – they think they have the answer. Here a private security force of 46 uniformed guards, and a sophisticated CCTV system, keep staff and patients safe. A colourful mixture of characters ranging from ex-soldiers, to bouncers, to former elite sportsmen, it’s the security team’s job to keep the hospital running smoothly. With more than 2 million visitors they have to deal with all aspects of crime and anti-social behaviour. All against a back drop of life changing and life saving procedures.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made A & E: When Patients Attack a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Paul Loughran
Asif Hasan, Rebecca Welfle, Kerry Allison, Kerry Allison, Robin Cowap, Rachel Thompson, Candace Davies, Kerry Allison, Mike Lewis, Alex Hill, Cat Lewis, Mark Stokes, Kayleigh Smith, Kerry Allison, Emily Feeney, Nicole Hajimichael, Lyndsay Rowan, Alison Kimberley, Noel Curry, Kerry Allison
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london, england, police, safety, hospital, security guard, physical abuse, security, birmingham, behavioral disorders, emergency services, behavioral health, national health service, hospital staff, public safety