Batman Beyond: Tech Wars / Disappearing Inque (1999)
Title: Batman Beyond: Tech Wars / Disappearing Inque
Release Date: 1999-05-08
Genres: Animation
Runtime: 126 minutes
Status: Released
An enamored warder of the imprisoned Inque frees her and helps her in her quests for healing and revenge.
Watch Batman Beyond: Tech Wars / Disappearing Inque full movie for free. Released in 1999, Batman Beyond: Tech Wars / Disappearing Inque movie was made with a budget of $1,000,000 and has earned $1,000,000 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Batman Beyond: Disappearing Inque - The Gotham nights give birth to a brand-new super villain. She is deadly, shape-shifting industrial saboteur named Inque. Black Out - When Terry faces Inque for the first time, he finds that he still has a lot to learn about becoming Batman. Disappearing Inque - With the help of an infatuated lab worker, Inque escapes her frozen imprisonment and devises a plan to destroy Batman and Bruce Wayne. Shriek - When Bruce Wayne challenges Derek Powers's control of Wayne/Powers Industries, Powers orders an employee who has discovered sound can be a weapon, to become Shriek and eliminate Wayne. Year: 1999
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Batman Beyond: Tech Wars / Disappearing Inque a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Will Friedle, Kevin Conroy, Shannon Kenny, William H. Macy, Kevin Michael Richardson, Miriam Flynn, Kimmy Robertson, Barry Dennen, Victor Raider-Wexler
Kim Bowen, Arthur Lee, Bonnie Buckner, Joey Franks, Liza-Ann Warren, Joe Gall, Leslie Lamers, Ken Duer, Lisa Leonardi-Knight, Sung-Il Cho, Shaun McLaughlin, Jonathan Fisher, Bill Ohanesian, Paul Dini, Haven Alexander, Blair Jensen, Phillip Norwood, Bruce Timm, Sandra D. Lara, David Shin, Paul Brantley, Shayne Poindexter, Curt Geda, Linda Di Franco, Kelly Ann Foley, Christopher Keenan, Gregory Beaumont, Alan Burnett, Jean MacCurdy, Glen Murakami, Bret Blevins, Michael Chutuk, John Dixon, Kristopher Carter, Clive Nakayashiki, Kim Dahl, George Brooks, Bradford Keatts, Evan Castillo, Eric Nordberg, Vincent Bassols, Adam Van Wyk, Howard Schwartz, Robert Hargreaves, Andy Lewis
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