Band of Thieves (1962)

Band of Thieves

Title: Band of Thieves

Release Date: 1962-08-30

Genres: Crime, Music

Runtime: 69 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Band of Thieves full movie for free. Released in 1962, Band of Thieves movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A group of prisoners are encouraged to form a jazz band and vow to go straight when they are released to tour the country. However, the trumpets and clarinets are just a cover for a series of robberies. Musical comedy, starring British jazz star Acker Bilk as himself, alongside Jimmy Thompson and Jennifer Jayne.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Band of Thieves a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Acker Bilk, Colin Smith, Jonathan Mortimer, Ronald McKay, Roy James, Stan Greig, Ernest Price, Geoffrey Sumner, Jimmy Thompson, Jennifer Jayne, Arthur Mullard, Maudie Edwards, Charmian Innes, Michael Peake, Totti Truman Taylor, Marianne Stone


Harold Shampan, Lyn Fairhurst, Nicolas Roeg, Peter Bezencenet, Mike Fox

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prison, jazz band

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